QuantiFi Investor Token
The QuantiFi Investor Token (QIT) is received by investors in the QuantiFi Investor Fund. QIT is not like a normal crypto token (e.g. ETH, BTC or BNB) that is freely traded on an exchange. Rather, QIT functions as a receipt of investment. QIT is created when an investor deposits USDT into the fund (see Making Deposits) and destroyed when an investor redeems their tokens for USDT by making a withdrawal (see Making Withdrawals).
Valuing QIT
QIT derives its price from the current value of the QuantiFi Investor Fund. As the fund makes profits, each QIT is redeemable for an increased amount of USDT. Vice versa, if the fund makes a loss, each QIT is redeemable for a decreased amount of USDT. At launch, the value of QIT was set such that 1 QIT = 1 USDT. The current value of QIT can be found on the Dashboard of the Quantifi Website.
Don't transfer your QIT or try to swap it on an exchange. You need it as a proof of deposit in order to withdraw your USDT from the Fund
Last updated