
Dividends in QuantiFi run in periods of 90 days. During a given dividend period, a percentage of profits made by QuantiFi products are taken as fees and transferred to the QuantiFi Dividends Contract. Once 90 days has past, anyone can initiate the dividend payout period, which runs for 14 days. Eligibility for receiving dividends is calculated based on the sum of staked QNTFI when the dividend payout period is initiated. See below for a further explanation and an example of what this looks like in practice.

Each Dividend Period runs for a minimum of 90 days

Dividends Example 1

Between June 1 and 30 August, the QuantiFi Fund makes $10,500 in profit, of which $2100 is taken as profit fees and sent to the dividend contract. Before or on August 30, three holders of QNTFI - Alice, Bob and Callie - stake 1000 QNTFI tokens each for 30 days. On Aug 31, Alice initiates the dividend payout period. These are the only three stakers, so each is eligible for 33.3% of the total dividend payout. In the week after August 31, each holder clicks 'Claim Dividend' on the QuantiFi Governance page, and is sent $700 USDT by the contract. The dividend payout period is now finished. The next dividend period will run from August 31 for a minimum of 90 days.

Claiming Dividends

Stakers of QNTFI must claim their dividends by clicking 'Claim Dividend' on the website Dividends page, during the first 7 days of the Dividend Payout Period. After the first 7 days has past, rights to any unclaimed dividends are transferred to those stakers who did participate by claiming dividends during the first 7 day period. These secondary dividends must be claimed during the following 7 days. At the end of the 14 day period, any remaining unclaimed dividends are rolled forward into the next dividend payout.

Days 1 - 7
Days 8 - 14
After Day 14

Dividends claimable by all QNTFI Stakers

Dividends claimable by those who claimed in Days 1-7

Unclaimed dividends sent to Quantifi Treasury

Allocation based on individual weighted stake

Allocation based on weighted stake vs all claimers

Dividends Example 2

As with example 1, $2100 is going to be paid out starting from August 31 to our stakers, Alice, Bob and Callie. Between August 31 and September 6, Alice and Bob claim the $700 but Callie does not. After September 6, Alice and Bob are each eligible for 50% of the unclaimed dividend ($350 each). Alice claims her $350 secondary dividend, but Bob does not. After September 13, the unclaimed $350 is rolled forward to the subsequent dividend payout.

Last updated