Staking QNTFI
Staking QNTFI involves placing a lock on the token for a distinct period of time. Staked QNTFI does not leave the holders wallet (i.e. the holder remains in full custody of their tokens the entire time), rather it is simply placed in a state wherein it is unable to be traded or transferred from one account to another, until the lock time has passed. In return for placing QNTFI tokens into voluntary escrow, stakers become eligible to vote on governance proposals and receive fund dividends.
QNTFI needs to be staked, not just held, for the purpose of voting and dividends
Stake QNTFI via the Governance Tab on the QuantiFi website
QuantiFi's Staking Model
QuantiFi has implemented a staking model which provides higher weight to tokens that are staked for a longer of period time. At a minimum, QNTFI is required to be staked for 7 days. Staking for longer than this minimum period increases the weight multipler given to the tokens, in turn increasing the voting weight and share of dividends the holder is entitled to. While the staking weights are subject to change based on the will of QNTFI holders, at present they are set as follows:
7 days
30 days
90 days
180 days
360 days
Holders are free to stake whatever percentage of the QNTFI holdings they wish, and may increase the staked percentage at any time. Each individual staking event exists independently, but count collectively to the total staked value of the holders. For example - a holder may choose to stake 50% of their tokens long term, but keep the remaining percentage in shorter term lockups which can be staked and unstaked at will, subsequent to each individual lockup period.
Staking Benefits QuantiFi
As QuantiFi is a decentralized protocol, it is important to ensure that participants are treated fairly and equitably. Staking QNTFI provides a concrete record of which wallet address held what quantity of tokens at a certain point in time. This allows for dividends and voting to occur without the risk that a given token could be used to vote multiple times or claim multiple dividends. Holders staking QNTFI is also an indicating of trust and support for the project.
Last updated