As with dividends, voting power in QuantiFi is based on an individual holders weighted staked tokens. Voting is handled directly by the Quantifi Governance contract and can be easily accessed at the bottom of the Governance page of the Quantifi Website.
While the parameters of votes are subject to change based on the will of QNTFI holders, presently votes are managed under the following limits:
Minimum % of holders required to vote for a proposal to succeed
Pass percentage
Minimum % of Yes votes for proposal to succeed
Start Delay
Provides time to understand a proposal before voting starts
1 day
Vote Open Time
Length of time people have to vote on a proposal
7 days
Execute Delay
Provides a minimum time barrier between a proposal passing and it being enacted
2 days
The Voting Process
When a new proposal is raised, it will display automatically in the Proposals Section of the Governance page. Proposals will display with one of the following identifiers:
Upcoming - Voting is not yet open
Open - All eligible token holders can vote during this time
Closed - The voting period has ended
During the eligible voting time, you may vote on a proposal by clicking on that proposal and indicating your preference from the options provided. Click your preference and then click Vote to submit the transaction and sign it with your wallet. After voting, the results of the proposal and the list of voters will display.
Following the completion of the voting period, proposals will be executed and any related actions taken automatically, assuming that the proposal has met quorum and the vote has passed.
Last updated